Instructor: Cecil Bullard
Sponsor: The Institute
Course Title: Confident Selling: Mastering Sales
Course Description:
In this class, students learn what the business needs to do to earn a fair profit, why it is important to have financial balance, and how they hold the financial success of the business in their hands. They learn the costs of emotional discounting and how to overcome them. We discuss the effect that a bad attitude can have on the business, its clients, and themselves. Students also learn how their actions can improve results or ruin them.
We talk about the 10 biggest mistakes that many service advisors make and how to overcome them, as well as 15 rules for writing service that (if followed) will make their job easier and them more successful.
Students learn what we sell, and what their most important job is, which will help them stay focused, better serve their clients, and improve the profits of the company.
We go through personality profiling and body language and how to use each to make the client feel better understood and more comfortable while purchasing more.
We cover phone shoppers, closing, and how to build value in our products. Students learn their unique selling proposition and how to use it to answer client questions, build more value in our products, and close more sales. Students also learn a simple 6-step process to manage better that if followed will make their work more enjoyable while increasing the productivity of the team.
This is an intense sales class that will greatly improve the results of those who attend.